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егише в словаре кроссвордиста

Большая Советская Энциклопедия


армянский историк 5 в. н. э., современник восстания армянского народа против владычества Ирана в 450≈451. Этим событиям посвящено его основное сочинение «История Вардана и войны армянской», в котором описаны предпосылки народного восстания, борьба партий, ход восстания, Аварайрская битва 26 мая 451 и др. события 428≈465. Сочинение Е. ≈ важнейший источник по истории Армении и др. государств Закавказья и Ирана. Патриотическая направленность «Истории» и её образный язык обеспечили ей большую популярность в Армении.

Лит.: Налбандян В. С., Егише, Ер., 1962; Абегян М., История древнеармянской литературы, т.1, Ер., 1948.



Егише́, Елисей — армянский историк и богослов, автор книги , описывающей восстание армян против Сасанидов в 449—451 годах. Жил в V:

Elise was born early in the fifth century, but other details of his life remain unclear


Much of the literary activity of the 5th century—the golden age of Armenian literature—was devoted to such translations. Original works, however, were not wanting, such as the histories of Eghishe and Ghazar of Pharp.

или VI веке Оксфордский словарь Византии , стр. 688:

Elishe, author of an Armenian History describing the unsuccessful revolt led by Vardan Mamikonean against Sasanian overlordship in 450/1. Of Elishe little is known, and it is debatable whether he wrote as an eyewitness (as he claims) or whether this History was written after that of Lazar of Parpi, who describes the same events somewhat differently.

Saint Eghishē (Vardapet), Robert W. Thomson , «History of Vardan and the Armenian War», 1982, pp. 27-29:

But not only is the History of Elishe more easily understood as an expansive adaptation of Lazar than the latter’s work as an abbreviation of Elishe; the influence of translations from the «Hellenizing» period on Elishe is explained by that order without doing violence to our knowledge of such translations and their probable sixth-century date. Although the present writer is unconvinced by Akinean’s theories that teh original version of this History described the revolt of 572 and that it was rewritten in the seventh century, he does agree with Akinean and Kiwleserean that Elise wrote after Lazar. there is no compelling reason to accept the «eyewitness» claim, and the literary aspects of the work are far more easily explicable if it is dated to the sixth century. … One final argument that would place Elishe’s History in the last decade of the sixth century or later needs to be reviewed … It seems, therefore, most unlikely that Elishe’s History can predate the sixth century.

A. E. Redgate , Myth and Reality: Armenian Identity in the Early Middle Ages, National Identities, Vol. 9, No. 4, December 2007, p.284:

The great classic of Armenian historiography, Eghishe¯’s history of the Armenian rebellion against Persia in 450, which was written, probably, in the late sixth century, unequivocally equates Christianity with ‘Armenianness’ and ancestral culture.


Егише (значения)


  • Егише — автор книги «О Вардане и войне армянской», описывающей восстание армян против персов в 450—451 годах.
  • Егише Чаренц (1897—1937) — армянский поэт, прозаик и переводчик.
  • Варданян, Егише — армянский футболист.
  • Меликян, Егише Меликович — армянский футболист.
  • Тадевосян, Егише Мартиросович — армянский художник.